NM-ECDP Q4 Review Meeting Enhances Early Childhood Development Efforts in Morogoro
@cdo_mzumbe, ECD Stakeholders, in collaboration with the Morogoro Regional Office, successfully conducted the National Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Program
CDO joined 12 NGOs across Africa at the Linking and Learning Workshop hosted by ViiV Positive Action in Johannesburg, SA
On November 28-29, 2024, CDO joined 12 NGOs across Africa at the.....
CDO and Mvomero DC hosted a meaningful World HIV/AIDS Day commemoration at Mlali Market
On December 1, 2024, CDO and Mvomero DC hosted a meaningful World HIV/AIDS Day commemoration at Mlali Market under the theme “Chagua njia sahihi tokomeza UKIMWI”..
CDO Strengthening Microfinance Groups Through Supportive Tools and Visits
From November 13–15, 2024, Childhood Development Organization (CDO), through the Afya Yangu Maisha Yangu project, visited six Microfinance Groups...
CDO is taking part in the Social Welfare Officers (SWOs) workshop, which is taking place at the African Dreams Hotel in Dodoma
In its capacity as a partner of TECDEN and the...
On 11th to 13th September 2024, CDO carried out a 3-day field visit.
On 11th to 13th September 2024, CDO, in collaboration with the District Community Development Officer who works with women’s groups in the community, carried out a 3-day field visit. On the ground, we engaged Village Executive Officers, Ward Executive Officers...
CDO participated in the launch of TECDEN’s ambitious 5-Year Strategic Plan for 2024-2028.
On July 24th, 2024, CDO, as a regular member of TECDEN, participated in the launch of TECDEN’s ambitious 5-Year Strategic Plan for 2024-2028...
On the 25th of July, 2024, CDO participated in the TECDEN Annual General Meeting (AGM),
On the 25th of July, 2024, CDO participated in the TECDEN Annual General Meeting (AGM), which was attended by 45 regular members, 5 strategic members, and government representatives...